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Osama is dead. 
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Sorry about that, man, I do my best to understand.

*Hides back in the darkness*

Sun May 29, 2011 9:31 pm
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At least TheDoc can understand you. :\ I've no idea what you said in those last three posts. >< Something, about objecting to the supposed assassination of Bin Laden, or... Something?
"In a three-dimensional world, where people hold two-dimensional opinions, politicians have a field day." - Kilroy

Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:04 pm
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Oh dear mastah, don't bother, it's all worthless chit chat and trollin' anyway. I just copypasta slapdick's random phrases from the internetz and try to build a sense from it. Call it postpunk lolforum dadaism.

Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:47 pm
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c4k said slapdick godbless


Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:40 pm
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Saint Thoth wrote:
At least TheDoc can understand you. :\ I've no idea what you said in those last three posts. >< Something, about objecting to the supposed assassination of Bin Laden, or... Something?

I was actually being genuine when I said

TheDoc wrote:
I don't know what you're talking about

I understand C4ke's posts the same way I assume dogs understand english. I'm able to decipher tones but i'm clueless on the context.

Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:35 pm
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Well, if my engrish is THAT retardedly broken, George Carlin said it better.

1. The fact Osama was killed in a coward way, in the eyes of most muslims, proves he was right: your government is the evil and it shall be defeated at all cost. You should know better, it is a bad idea keep giving heroes to the masses. In the left hand, those groups are stratified the same way that a regular army; if you kill the general, the colonel ascends. Congratulations, your gov did not harmed the structure, at all, was just a mediatic shot if anything. A expensive one from your taxes, and nothing else. Seems like you are hostages of your own government.

2. A huge amount of your money have been wasted maintaining an army monster in the other side of the planet since Nixon's administration, shoving the nose in none or your business, like the both gates, vietnam, nicaragua, and a large etcetera. You accomplished nothing at the end but a huge inflationary internal debt while shitting in your own international prestige: USA has become the world's biggest douchebag. The whole world hates you now thanks to your gov actions; the same happened to the roman empire, hence the comparison. The only difference is the fact you are not the only ones with nukes nowadays. Your foreign affairs the last tree decades is a fail show of what not to do as hegemon in any region. The opposite of any smart stratego, like, e.g., UE, Japan or China.

As a note, believe it or not, there are a lot of gringos in our local SixFlags lately. I can go there with my family every week if I want, vip year pass for everyone. I'm not rich, but most gringos I know can't do the same in USA. All my friends went to the University for free or even getting decent scholarship payments, could you do the same? We do not pay huge taxes like some euros but the money shows in our every day life. Where is your money going? Something is broken in your country folks, and you are blind to it, or it seems. I don't really believe you when you can't get the gist of what I'm trying to communicate, many friendly gringos pretend to understand what I type most of the time. But I've been living in a lie, according to you. Wondering if you ever did that exact same question to yourselves.

Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:19 am
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the funny thing about that post is c4k got the season pass from doing some sort of Mexican six flags focus group...

after it was done they were like okay c4k you want $50 or a season passes for a year



Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:24 pm
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First, let me break out my little red pen to translate this...
c4k3 wrote:

(This, mind you, being rather generous, never mind the poor phrasing, but alas, I ran out of red ink. ...But you can see why I'm having trouble getting anything more than the most basic gist of your posts.)

So, from this, I get:

And while that isn't entirely untrue, before I say anything else, let me also say:

First off, assassinating Osama bin Laden has to be about the least evil thing we've reportedly done in quite some time. (Hell, we bombed a pre-school for children with down syndrome that same day!) Would it not have been much less evil do have done this say, ten years ago, rather than to invade the poorest country on Earth, and Iraq to boot, killing hundreds of thousands to millions? Besides, unlike nearly everything else we've done to expand the supposed war on terror, nailing the guy we pinned the blame for 9/11 on is the first thing we've ever done that might give us an excuse to say "it's over with", rather than never-ending, as we intended it to be. In the end, this was a goodly, moral act, insomuch as assassination can ever be. Plus, from a strategic and cost-effective point of view, it would have been much cheaper to offer $2 billion to the first nation to hand him over, rather than pay that same amount each year to Pakistan, just to hide him.

And I would much rather we just "cowardly" assassinated Gaddafi, similarly, rather than rage a war over there. Would it not be much more ethically sound to just kill that one guy, who we've supported all these years, instead of killing thousands, and making thousands more suffer, for the stubbornness of that one guy and his bodyguard sex squad? Granted, that likely wouldn't accomplish our goals over there either. But is it really somehow more fair and moral to make all those people suffer for the acts of one man, rather than just take him out, legality and ulterior motives aside?

I realize, from a detached legal and philosophical view, it is indeed more moral to rage a war than to assassinate one guy, but there's gotta be a point where the scales of suffering breaks that logic.

In regards to some of your other points:

C4K3 wrote:
2. A huge amount of your money have been wasted maintaining an army monster in the other side of the planet since Nixon's administration, shoving the nose in none or your business, like the both gates, vietnam, nicaragua, and a large etcetera.

Well, I'm not entirely sure what you are referring to by "both gates", but if you mean Watergate or Monicagate, or any of our other "-gate" events, they are, by definition, internal political events, and thus very much our business. But yes, Nicaragua and Vietnam, definitely sticking our dick where into beehives where it don't belong, amongst several dozen other examples, most of which have been thoroughly unprofitable, though even more to the people involved than to ourselves.

C4K3 wrote:
I can go there with my family every week if I want, vip year pass for everyone. I'm not rich, but most gringos I know can't do the same in USA. All my friends went to the University for free or even getting decent scholarship payments, could you do the same?

Eh, most middle-class Americans can easily afford annual passes to Six Flags - and judging by the population of Six Flags here in SoCal, a whole lotta lower-class Americans can as well. >< (They're like, what $70-$150? We spend more than that in a week on food alone, and most of us in the middle-class cities have monthly rent or housing costs running from $800-$3000+)

We do not get university for free (in fact, prices are pretty damned insane right now), but we can get scholarships, even good ones, and we can get a lot of aid for student loans. I'd go onto say we've much better, internationally renowned, universities out here in California than you do in Mexico (it is Mexico, right?), however, they are degrading rapidly (with fewer international students than ever) and our general education is starting to resemble your own... Mostly due to corruption and funding cuts. California is now 51st in the nation, for both spending per student and for student performance - and as there are only 50 states, that means, yes, we've fallen behind Puerto Rico as well. Most all the state governments are trying to cut their education budgets, the most popular method now being to blame a lack of quality teachers, rather than the lack of teachers period, thus breaking the unions in the process, and opening the way for less regulated, exclusive, privatized charter schools to further reduce social and economic mobility.

And yes, that is all because 70% of all our taxes go towards the military - most of which is wasted on projects that have nothing to do with any war we are in, as politics in the military is bent towards whoever can get funding for the most expensive project. Now, if we moved, say, half of that, to the public sector, we'd have the Utopia from hell in short order, however, so long as we maintain the biggest, most bad-ass military in the world, and have it geared for war with any modernized nation on the planet... We don't have to worry about anyone trying to call in our debts. ^_^

It's not that we don't realize what's going on, or that we're not angry about it. It's pretty obvious that the banks and corporations have taken over the government that was supposed to protect us from them. Any random poll of Americans will tell you that everyone knows this. Most of us, however, have just given up trying to do anything about it. Look at Libya - that country has almost no gun control laws, the citizens are armed to the teeth, and they have NATO bombing their government, and yet the people there can't seem to take it down. Who's going to bomb our government, if we have a revolution? No one would dare! We elected a black guy as president recently, and nothing changed, so there's no legitimate recourse for change either. Most of us have just gone into apathy mode and are concentrating on our own day to day lives, rather than trying to stop the evils of the government, banks, and corporations that we can do nothing about. It doesn't stop us from complaining, but as long as that's all we do, the PtB's here couldn't care less, and just exploit it, where applicable. The fact that the Tea Party "extreme right" and the "extreme left" (which has no party to speak of) share many of the same complaints and goals, and in many instances, hate the same people, yet consider themselves mortal enemies, is a wonderful demonstration of their success in that endeavor. (As is the fact that our GOP can hold the Bible in one hand, and Atlas Shrugged in the other, and get away with it.)
"The money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the republic is destroyed." - Abraham Lincoln

Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:43 pm
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Holy shit dear mastah, that's a great, classy, detailed and informed speech-like wall text. I'm not trolling that I'm aware of, but rather it seems like just projected my stupidity in high definition, indeed. Thanks for all the red ink, nobody was so kind before; it seems like do I need some real angrish courses for sure. Looking forward to it, apart from my regular classes by my 12 y/o online teachers, mostly NS players.

How different are us, do you feel it? It's funny, almost like different species. Perhaps the main problem is some sort of inverse logic, in Spanish, we don't use redundant structures; moreover, you say "por favor, trae el sueter rojo", that becomes -if we do a bad translation to engrish- "please, give the sweater red", and it is logically correct from an speranto / lojban standpoint, but, and at the same time incorrect in English, so it should be trasnlated into "give to me the red sweater, please": for us it's better to say the noun first, sweater, then its characteristics. It's faster, simple, and you have all the key information you need to start acting / thinking accordingly by focus in the subject in first place, then putting all the trash behind it, so you can build the central idea to the start and from there stack some specifications, usually superfluous, not the other way around. Imagine the scene: "give to me the warm, silky, beautiful, expensive, brilliant, fancy, funky, long, strong..., n+1, red sweater, please" That's sounds so stupid and repulsive to me that I have to make an effort to not throw the dinner with the logic flip mentally needed, so it could be written. The only exception to that stupid construction way is "sweater extraordinaire" that makes perfect sense... "to me" LOL. And that heads us to the next given text wall.

We don't have to remember the person receiving the information to whom the sweater should be given, it is implicit, nested, in the phrase, if I do the emphasis "to me" it's a rough pleonasm since no one else was mentioned, so if the person ask, for instance: "to whom the sweater should be given?" he is asking for a slap bitch or at least some "omg you are so fucking stupid" *rolling eyes and taking the sweater yourself* kind of reaction.

The same with the date sequence, nobody here uses the 20:00 06/09/11 format; rather we prefer the 20:00 CST 09/06/2011 or even the 2011/06/09/2000 CST kind of sequence. Weird uh? Finally, every affirmation is / should be / can be automatically translated to a question, even if the speaker forget to add a "no?" at the end, it is there as potential so we are always questioning as part of any affirmation, because -here comes another annoyance- you also can say a perfectly constructed phrase that means... Exactly the opposite of what you mean... And it is clear for everyone who speak Spanish -it should be some sort of matiz in the structure- but the gringos have a hard time trying to understand the phrase and the following, contradictory, action, while holding a WTF face.

Now the stupid points I wrote. For the hell of it, don't even bother dear mastah, you have been proven a top internet character full of wisdom and resources, my points are so stupid, my rant so childish, disregard all that shit. But yeah, I was pointing out to the irangate and the nicaraguagate, hardly your internal business.

From the beginning, all this crap comes from, or perhaps, since? You call yourselves "Americans". Let me explain a little. You refer to your own country as "America" in a colloquial way even before the Monroe's doctrine, and that makes no sense to the rest of us at all. For us America is the whole continent. And we are all americans. You are the aliens in our books, starving aboard your ships and landing with your 13 colonies, and etc, etc, and then got feed by "indians" then you killed your benefactors and their children to take their land, then it became a sort of party that you recall it and re-create it every year chewing turkey; so now you are the real owners and you call us the aliens. It becomes even more odd when you hear some rednecks who call themselves "Americans" -what the fuck, haha- asking you to get back to your country... So I have to say, "But... I'm in Mexico City, dumbfuck, and this is the internet, how am I supposed to get back to anywhere?" Pffff. I just re-read the whole post and it will appear to you like pure nonsense but hey, it had sense to me at least when I wrote it!

Regarding the 9/11 I don't think you got what you deserve, at all, no. If you ever get part of it, it should be a massive nuke or a devastating biological attack that should decimate or erase completely your whole population, minimum. >.< But hey, we know we will be fucked if that happens, and it will, eventually. Even when we don't hate you a little much, you deserve it in our shared opinion. You, particularly, don't deserve it, though. I love ya Toties.

Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:54 pm
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you guys are both gay

but Thoth is cool for owning c4k with red ink grammar

that is all


Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:39 pm
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True battle of wits right here.

C4K3 wrote:
From the beginning, all this crap comes from, or perhaps, since? You call yourselves "Americans". Let me explain a little. You refer to your own country as "America" in a colloquial way even before the Monroe's doctrine, and that makes no sense to the rest of us at all. For us America is the whole continent. And we are all americans. You are the aliens in our books, starving aboard your ships and landing with your 13 colonies, and etc, etc, and then got feed by "indians" then you killed your benefactors and their children to take their land, then it became a sort of party that you recall it and re-create it every year chewing turkey; so now you are the real owners and you call us the aliens. It becomes even more odd when you hear some rednecks who call themselves "Americans" -what the fuck, haha- asking you to get back to your country... So I have to say, "But... I'm in Mexico City, dumbfuck, and this is the internet, how am I supposed to get back to anywhere?" Pffff. I just re-read the whole post and it will appear to you like pure nonsense but hey, it had sense to me at least when I wrote it!

C4ke... you do know something about your country's history right? How the Spanish came over from Europe and slaughtered/raped/enslaved the natives? Do they tell you something different down there? Does the name Hernán Cortés mean anything to you?

Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:07 pm
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Sure, we are all bastards of that rapage, we have a mix from aztec blood, spanish and vasconians, frenchs, and a very little from african slaves. Some of the resulting combinatory imbreeding of those are called:

Spanish + indigenous = Mestizo
indigenous + Nigger = Clubfoot
Nigger + Clubfoot = Zambo prieto
White + Nigger = Mulatto
Mulatto + White = Moorish
Spanish + Moorish = Albino
Albino + White = Saltapatrás (Jumping back, LOL)
indigenous + Mestizo = Coyote
White + Coyote = Harnizo
indigenous + Coyote = Chamise
Chinese + indigenous = Cambujo
Cambujo + indigenous = Tente en el aire (Stay in the air, LOL)
Tente en el aire + China = No te entiendo (I don't understand you, LOL)
Mulatto + Tente en el aire = Albarasado

The difference here is the fact spanish mixed with the local population (the aztec women were pretty and cleaner than europeans + they were trained in ancient traditions of sex & men-care rituals), so what we are now is often called a cosmic race in reference to the Mexican intellectuals during the 1920's who pointed out that Latin Americans have the blood of all the world's races (White Europeans, Asian-descended Native-Americans and Black Africans), transcending the peoples of the "old world". Instead, the birtish just erradicated the native population, never a sweet smelling white woman got a Navajo 's cock filling her holes!


Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:10 am
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Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:30 pm
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So, what you're saying is, if the rest of the world continues to diversify itself to the point where individual race is indistinguishable from one another's... the entire world is going to end up like mexico? Ack! that's an argument in favor of racial discrimination if I've ever heard one.

Time to polish off that old genocide machine. Set the dial to spics.

Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:32 pm
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TheDoc wrote:
So, what you're saying is, if the rest of the world continues to diversify itself to the point where individual race is indistinguishable from one another's... the entire world is going to end up like mexico? Ack! that's an argument in favor of racial discrimination if I've ever heard one.

Nooo... Mexico is like Mexico because of economics, not genetics. If they were all white, and we'd done every nasty exploitive thing we've done to them over the past few centuries, they'd all be in the exact same boat they are in now.

Granted, if they were all white, we'd be a lot less likely to have done everything we've done to them over the past few centuries, in which case, yes, they'd look like Canada, just with more air conditioners.

Having traveled nearly the whole damn globe when I was young, I can say from experience, that, ever so sadly, people are people, minor genetic differences not withstanding.

Besides, given the population ratios and growth rates, we're all going to wind up looking like Jigglypuff, rather than C4K3. ;)
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Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:03 pm
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