The Jigglyroom Forums

More admins
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Author:  kurtz [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  More admins Jigglypuff's ALL 2FORT Jigglyroom!

I just recently started playing on your server and I enjoy playing here, however, you could really use some more admins on this server. I have been on a number of times recently and the team shooters/team infectors/door blockers/etc are really bad, and most of the time there are no admins around. Last night was one of the worst I have ever seen. Everyone in the server was screaming for admins a number of llamas basically made the game unplayable. Most of the players just got disgusted and quit, and while its a popular server and new people came in quickly, they too soon got disgusted and quit. The gameplay was horrible. There are few tfc servers left and I hate to see a good one ruined by llamas. Maybe I have just been unlucky with the times I have been on, but it seems to be happening alot here. I used to admin at GibGames and I certainly appreciate the difficult position admins are placed in, and how difficult it is to find new admins who you can trust and will represent the server well, but I would urge you to consider bringing in some more help if there are any regulars that you know well and might be mature enough to handle it. Thanks, and thanks for providing the server for us to play on!

Author:  kurtz [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Like right now, no admins and people leaving the server cuz of these guys...

repeated door blocking

repeated door blocking

Jake Nukem
blatant speed hack

Author:  missbella [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

too bad you weren't here for the old forums.. this has been an ongoing issue on JP.. you really only have fun on here during the day when all the kiddies are at school, or late late at night when all the drunken fags are home vomiting over their unless you play at those two times, you're pretty much screwed.. the only admin i ever saw on all the time was motaman, and he got cut.. so i guess you're outta luck

Author:  Saint Thoth [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:36 pm ]
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Seems we have 12 admins assigned to the TFC room. Normally I'd say they are just being far too stealthy, but I suspect we may have lost some of them (if not most of them). Basically, the crowd there is so bad, even our admins refuse to play with them. Most of our admins have been around long enough to remember what the TFC server was like before it switched to All2Fort, and thus can't put up with the hell it has devolved into. (That's certainly the reason you almost never see me in there.)

The other issue is, we traditionally have very high standards for admins, and we've had very bad experiences when we've delved below those standards (eg. Mota). Given the selection available in the All2Fort room, well... The reason behind the reluctance to hire is obvious.

At least the NS room is well adminned. ^_^ (Last I ran stats on it, it had an admin on 72% of the time there were more than 8 players on - not counting those monitoring on the HLSW.)

I know MEP occasionally plays TFC (very stealthy, until he gets pissed) and I think Hornet's been in there from time to time (much more laid back). I've not run the stats, but Blondie used to be our nearly 24/7 admin on there - maybe she finally came to her senses and left. Wigglytuff I think similarly came to his senses and/or lost his mind and has kids to think of. Tobias is in from time to time as well, but I'm not sure how often, and further he is our most stealthy admin (he even likes to hide from other admins). I suspect if he bans someone, he'll supress the amx feedback, and you'll never know.

...and before you ask: don't. I'd hate to lose more potential admins just because they can't read the FAQ. ;)

I'll run some stats, then maybe make some requests to His Pinkness if the TFC room is actually as understaffed as its clientele perceive it to be, and if its not, I'll make a general requests to the active admins to go into nazi mode.

Author:  gilliam [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

i gave jiggly a littlle admin job application 5 years ago and was basically told the other server i admin at wasnt good enough.
both jiggly's and keegs were back then the top 2 in my book(now in my top 3).

ok. so jake got banned, flubber i forget, and flamer got slapped.

Author:  kurtz [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for looking into it Saint. As I said, I understand how frustrating it can be for admins. I also know it can be a vicious cycle when admins get frustrated and leave and then all the llamas know they can get away with it there so even more come. I myself got frustrated/burnt out and quit playing for quite awhile and have just recently been getting back into it. I guess now I have just made my peace with the fact that the game isnt what it used to be but I can still have fun playing (usually :p). Anyways, I have seen the occasional admin on there, but its few and very far between. And maybe I have just been missing them or they have been undercover like you said, but it seems like after joining within a map rotation or two at the most some llama(s) comes on and people start asking for an admin but nobody ever answers/does anything, so I honestly think there just hasnt been any on; everybody on the server always says there are never any admins on. And thanks for banning jake if that was you...

Author:  fixxor [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:39 pm ]
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Dont rag on motaman, he's a cool dude. Just gets a lil too excited :D

Author:  missbella [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:12 pm ]
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mota is by far one of my favorite TFC players.. he pops his head into my server every now and again and messages me on steam with phrases like "wadap bitch" lol, it's a shame he was TOO err..whats the word.. i don't know.. to be a JP admin.. he at least banned people on the spot if you told him something was up.

Author:  Jigglypuff [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:31 am ]
Post subject: 

fixxor wrote:
Dont rag on motaman, he's a cool dude. Just gets a lil too excited :D

And drunk. Both with the sauce and power.

Author:  Jigglypuff [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:31 am ]
Post subject: 

missbella wrote:
mota is by far one of my favorite TFC players.. he pops his head into my server every now and again and messages me on steam with phrases like "wadap bitch" lol, it's a shame he was TOO err..whats the word.. i don't know.. to be a JP admin.. he at least banned people on the spot if you told him something was up.

I highly suggest making him an admin on your server.

Author:  Jigglypuff [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 8:38 am ]
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Unfortunately, we can't be around all the time but I am personally taking out the trash when the need arises. If worthy admin candidates are found, I'll try to add them to the roster.

The 2fort server has and always will have an excessive amount of problems - one of the reasons why I shut it down back in the day was because it was pretty unmanageable in TFC's heyday. It's a lot better now, but it just pulls in the worst demographic (junior high/high school kids with too much time.. yes, I'm blaming them.) and we're doing our best to manage it.

I play more often than you guys think - almost daily now... and I can't find anyone worthy of the admin spot. So FYI - I'm not letting the server sit out there to wither and die.


Author:  fixxor [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:00 am ]
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Jigglypuff wrote:
I highly suggest making him an admin on your server.

No thanks :)

Author:  kurtz [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for getting on the server some and cleaning up when need be JP. I know there are a lot of immature kids on there, I dont envy you trying to find some worthy candidates. And just FYI for those who are wondering, I did NOT post this to try and lobby for myself. I put in my time - the hours are long, the work is hard, and the pay and benefits suck. And while I am getting back into playing some now, I still play sporadically and can not offer the hours and help the server needs anyways. My hope was only to try and shed light on a problem that needed fixing and hopefully improve the server. I can see why you would have a hard time attracting good admins to the server, but heres why I like it: 1) Its almost always got plenty of people playing on it (which is really rare these days); 2) You dont have a lot of stupid/annoying/unnecessary rules, you just let people play (thats how I used to run things); 3) Your admins (when they are on :p) seem pretty laid back and dont get all worked up or overly involved in controlling people/gameplay. I have been struggling to find some new servers to play on and have been trying quite a few but this is why I have been coming back here. Like Drippys, I keep trying that one, I have friends that play there some, but I just cant get into it b/c of all this extra bs. Meh. Anyways, thanks :)

Author:  missbella [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

fixxor wrote:
Jigglypuff wrote:
I highly suggest making him an admin on your server.

No thanks :)

one of the FEW things me and fixxor agree on.

Author:  tobias [ Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:10 am ]
Post subject: 

missbella wrote:
fixxor wrote:
Jigglypuff wrote:
I highly suggest making him an admin on your server.

No thanks :)

one of the FEW things me and fixxor agree on.

and now you see why he is no longer a JP admin :) Nuff said.

Yes, I am on alot more than you think, using different Steam Ids so that even other admins dont realize im there, just to watch people play. Dont think there isnt an admin on the JP TFC server, because we are there more often than you think.

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