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Friendly Fire not taking off armor
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Author:  effDefender [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

ke422azn wrote:
saying disabling armor stripping affects spy negatively is just "theorycraft". Nobody has actually done tests to prove this. Ive played spys on drippy before (a server i hate now) but they have armor stripping disabled, I didnt see people randomly shooting teammates to check spies. I certainly did not have a hard time playing spy or getting kills. TFC has been out 8+ years, people arent retarded anymore, most people dont shoot people unless they have evidence to suggest that it is actually a spy. Besides, if you are shooting at your teammates, then you arent shooting your enemy. And with this many people on jigglypuff, and there are visible enemies everywhere that are more of a concern.

With armor stripping off, I shoot anyone that comes near the team's flag. With it on, I give warning shots. Disabling armor stripping changes the way I play, just as whether or not you can hear people running changes the way I play. 'course I haven't been able to play for 2 years...

Thoth makes a point, though... but I'd just like to see more maps put into the rotation.

Author:  Fireball [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd like to see an IQ test implemented before you can play on all of Jiggly's servers.

I remember Jiggly back in the WoN days...days before roid rage and PMS ruled the TFC servers...

Author: [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 7:55 pm ]
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I like the all2fort server the way it is.

Author:  missbella [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:06 pm ]
Post subject: wrote:
I like the all2fort server the way it is.

i second that.

Theres really no need to change anything, TF2 will be comming out soon, and tfc will be old...errrr...OLDER news.

Author:  fixxor [ Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:01 pm ]
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These two bitches are crazy. TFC server has consumed them...

Author:  batcula [ Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:13 pm ]
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Saint Thoth wrote:
TFC has been out 8+ years, people arent retarded anymore

I could just quote that and not bother with the obligatory comment, "on the contrary, they're more retarted than ever."

However, I think that fact actually adds to the motivations for simply removing the armor stripping, as should the fact that people now shoot each other for any reason except thinking the other player might be a spy. I've my doubts as to how many of our current players even realize that's a way to uncover a spy.

But again, no access. I'm uncertain as to when His Pinkness is returning, but I wouldn't expect a removal of this ancient tradition simply because we've been overrun by llamas.
"No quote file today: the system is down."
Uhm default class weapon would be a good start, thats why you switch if playing another class and running in your base.
Some of us have been playing as long if not longer then youself thothy. Im all for full tk. We just refuse to give tfc up. Type 1 to just shut down jiggly's tfc server and be done with it.

Author:  That Annoying Kid [ Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:40 pm ]
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I stopped by the all2fort today, fixxor is jokes with his sniper rifle, and I think there was a skeletor smurf =D

I had fun knifing people in the back as spy, so I'm glad there is armour stripping cause being a spy is hard enough as it is

Author:  batcula [ Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:46 pm ]
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Nothing will ever change on tfc server changes....armor damage...llamas..etc etc.

ps tf2 is a pipe dream

Author:  fixxor [ Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:29 pm ]
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So thats who it was.

Author:  That Annoying Kid [ Sun Jul 29, 2007 3:54 pm ]
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you failed when you didn't recognize MUGA

Author:  fixxor [ Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:33 pm ]
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Yeah i noticed it, but i skimmed through that thread and the bunny talking shit. I thought it could have been anyone of you freaks.

Author:  wHOfLUNGdUNG? [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

batcula wrote:
Nothing will ever change on tfc server changes....armor damage...llamas..etc etc.

ps tf2 is a pipe dream

mp_teamplay 1300 PLZ PLZ :D Taking off armor strip stops a ton of llama problems.2nite was a prime example @@@@@@@@ guy just sat there in spawn on the bags shooting every1 as they left spawn :( There would be alot more offense too which would be fun :)

Author:  Dark Willow [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:38 am ]
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Why don't the server run in friendly fire mode? It would make game play a little more interesting.

Author:  wHOfLUNGdUNG? [ Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:08 am ]
Post subject: 

FF IS FOR CLAN MATCHES :shock: People would sit there killing teamates on purpose etc etc. :oops:

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