The Jigglyroom Forums

Can you unban Hamburglar?
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Author:  Black Sun [ Sat Jan 12, 2008 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

From zero to personal attack in 185 words. What relevance whatsoever does his score have to... anything at all, really? Is that supposed to make us belittle his opinion that he shouldn't be getting hassled over Hamburglar's banning?

Author:  fixxor [ Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

dark, i read you post them went into the server to play and came in upon you telling others how noob they were and how bad ass you are. Kind of hypocritical are we? No need to get mad at bull or his score, its just a game man...

Author:  TheDoc [ Sat Jan 12, 2008 5:20 pm ]
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this thread is possibly the most entertaining please unban me thread we've had in a long while.

Author:  Dark Willow [ Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Black Sun wrote:
From zero to personal attack in 185 words. What relevance whatsoever does his score have to... anything at all, really? Is that supposed to make us belittle his opinion that he shouldn't be getting hassled over Hamburglar's banning?

I just bought that up to be mean. :(

Author:  Dark Willow [ Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

fixxor wrote:
dark, i read you post them went into the server to play and came in upon you telling others how noob they were and how bad ass you are. Kind of hypocritical are we? No need to get mad at bull or his score, its just a game man...

You just keep pushing on that "Man" issue don't you? :evil:

Anyway, you came upon me today and I was owning a whole server full of people. Its not my fault I'm good, and yes I am not only badassed, but I'm a complete badass and don't you forget that Mister!!!! ANd as far as me being hypocritical...well, at least I can back up my ego trip.

But any Ham going to get unbanned or not? :x

Author:  fixxor [ Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:19 pm ]
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rofl.... this kid :)

Author:  Iron Legionnaire [ Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:38 pm ]
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Fucking drama.

Author:  bullgod [ Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dark Willow wrote:

Also I don't really know this Bullgod guy person, but I do know his scores always suck.

^ lol one of my fan club..

I say we ban willow for text spam, in the forums as well as the server.. heh j/k

gg mute button d(^.^)

The only thing that Ham has to do with my score is that he's not part of it anymore. So how is score relevant in this conversation? I'm not even gonna go there with him about my score, it's like arguing with my 2yr old son.. ok, so maybe this willow kid is like 12, but still...

Author:  Black Sun [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 1:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Dark Willow wrote:
Black Sun wrote:
From zero to personal attack in 185 words. What relevance whatsoever does his score have to... anything at all, really? Is that supposed to make us belittle his opinion that he shouldn't be getting hassled over Hamburglar's banning?

I just bought that up to be mean. :(

If it's playful banter between two friends, I apologize. Otherwise? It really is a needless statement that detracts from any argument you might have, as I see it. And being mean for meanness' sake is never cool.

Author:  TheHornet [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

double posting is never cool.

Author:  Black Sun [ Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I see no double post! :oops:

Not sure how the hell that happened... huh.

Author:  zyxe [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:05 pm ]
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i like one of the mod's suggestion for ham to come here personally and apologize.

after reading through the rules and most of the mod's comments on what actions they will and will not ban for, it seems that ham's actions were mild to moderate. but, since this is apparently his third ban in shorter-term history for the same violation, i would wait to unban him until he comes forward personally and apologizes, actually acknowledging he did something wrong rather than just apologizing for getting caught (sorry femme, but your post with his dialogue only marred him in my opinion, since he kept saying he thinks he did the right thing).

my original reason for posting was to come here to say that while he can be annoying (he is one of the biggest sexual harrassers i've seen in jiggly's, i don't know why someone said otherwise... and i've never been harrassed by fixxor, not that i love the guy but he's never caused me any grief), ham's mostly harmless and doesn't disrupt the game more than most annoying players. i think it would be appropriate to consider lifting the ban if he apologized for the right thing.

ramble over. carry on.

edit: just for the record, i should have never suggested that ham be unbanned. he's just going to keep up the same racist and sexist attitude, and he never apologized (like i thought he wouldn't), so he'll probably keep up the same BS and should have never been unbanned.

i just want to say that 'cause of a few people who think i had a real part in getting him unbanned. sorry, my bad. i don't know why i bothered to even half support him in the first place.

Author:  TheDoc [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not that I agree with sexual harrassment but 2 things to keep in mind.

1. It's the internet, and the sad fact is that most of the males (and females) who spend the bulk of their time playing on it have little to no idea how to handle most social situations or talk to women.

2. With a name like Femme Fatale you are asking to get yourself sexually harrassed. I'm not sure how you can complain about sexual harrassment when not only does your name point out that you are female but also

Femme Fatale : an irresistibly attractive woman, esp. one who leads men into difficult, dangerous, or disastrous situations; siren.

You already know men give special attention to females over the internet. This is a well known fact, so therefore names such as this are just asking for negative attention. Why pick a name that specifies your gender in the first place? You don't see men going around with names like Super Hot Man Stuff. Well... you might but they are most likely being ironic and are meaning to draw attention anyway.

Basically, my point is this, don't have a name like "sexy slutty girl" and then complain about being sexually harrassed. It's like women who wear huge cleavage but then get offended when you look.

Author:  bullgod [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:55 pm ]
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/me points out to Doc that the above person isnt Femme (maybe or maybe not you knew that), it's xyze. however in anycase i agree with what Doc said about the harrassment thing.. :wink:

<-- especially about the cleavage..

Does anyone other than me think it's a little strange that "all" of these girls that Ham "alegedly" sexually harrassed are coming to his defense or is it just me? They've all said Ham harrassed em, yet they want him back?

Author:  TheDoc [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

bullgod wrote:
/Does anyone other than me think it's a little strange that "all" of these girls that Ham "alegedly" sexually harrassed are coming to his defense or is it just me? They've all said Ham harrassed em, yet they want him back?

Maybe this proves that deep down (or maybe not so deep) they really like it.

(yes i knew it wasn't femme who posted above, but femme did post much earlier in the thread about harrassment. Xyze just rekindled my urge to want to post on the issue)

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