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No wonder tfc is dead.. 
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I been playing tfc now for 5-6 years now, been in a few clans, and even started a few clans. I dropped out of tfc for about 2 years and came back. I played on Jiggly's years ago when servers were plentiful, even when I had my own servers, sometimes. The game seems like it's dieing off now, servers arent what they once were anymore, all the old school good servers have since disappeared. It seems the only servers left anymore are the 2fort 24/7 only servers, it's a shame. I miss good ol' maps like well, sd2, warpath, crossover, and the list goes on. I guess I can understand some of the reason tfc is dieing off due to people being the biggest assholes they can possibly be. In my many years of playing, I have never run across as many people on one server that are "regulars" that act so immature or are so rude or just out right assholes as I have on Jiggly's server. I dont know if it's the lack of presence of admin on the server or if thats just the way things are run around there. I guess I played in a better day when people actually tried to help other people play the game instead of insulting them for not knowing how to play. The good ol' -TPF- days.. It really is unfortunate that there is so few servers to choose from anymore, but what can ya do.

Let me explain..

I was playing on jp's under another alias and started getting shit from a "non-regular" player because I was handing his ass to him. Taking responsibility for my actions, I decided to just go after him and him alone.. Ofcouse in the insuing aftermath (spam) I managed to kill a few of the regulars and they started talking shit as well. I'm not one to run my mouth during games, I dont talk shit to people, call em noobs, fags, ect.. I have more respect for them and myself than to do that. "Treat people as you would like to be treated" kind of thing. Once I changed my name to "imbullgod" NO ONE talked shit to me anymore, go figure..

I'm not saying that ANYONE likes me on that server or that no one likes me, but my point is that they talk shit to people they dont know. Seeing as these people are regulars on the server, wouldnt the admins of Jiggly Puffs want their server represented a little more tactful than the way these people handle themselves?

Personally, I like new people playing the game I love, I'll help anyone figure out anything they need help with, no problem. But I wont tell em how gay they are, or how they can go "fuck your mother" because they took all the bags or some stupid shit. I'd like to see new people play this game and I'd do my best to encourage to learn. I just think it's funny and pathetic how some of the people that live on that server portray themselves. Ya gotta love E-egos, especially from a 13yr old but it's even worse when it comes from a 30yr old.

I guess this was my rant, lets try to be a little nicer to other people, if we all do our part maybe we all can help keep this game alive somehow. I'm sure going to miss it when it's gone, and I'd hate to know that it finally died off because some punk had to run his mouth and chase people off on one of the only existing servers that actually gets full.. for now.

Anywayz.. be nice to people and treat them the way you would like to be treated, help em learn, help em out, help our game live on...

Thanks for taking the time to read this, now lets see who flames it..

Thanks again,

Can we get some admins on to help control this problem?

Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:59 pm

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This has been said again and again. And again the same thing happens. Nothing. No interest, their server. Whatever. :roll:

Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:46 pm
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while i'm not a giant douche bag and I dont talk shit to anything that moves, but its a free server protected by the firsst admendment. Even if there were more visable admins on, they wouldn't do a thing about the shit talking. The Jigglyroom is one of the few servers out there that is and has always been open to saying whatever you feel like saying. We dont censor our players no matter how rude and vulgar they may get.

Frankly i dont think there is much left in TFC. Valve gave has let it slowly die over the years neglecting the poor child. It is beyond saving. Besides there are two HL2 mods based off of TFC coming out in the near future, that should give you that TFC gameplay with a better player base.

"the cheese is always twice the fencepost..." -ed

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Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:04 am
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but its a free server protected by the firsst admendment.

It's a private server, and as such, the free speech amendment does not apply. However, JP's largesse is such that people can say pretty much anything they want, and personally, I'm not against it. There will always be retards and hypocrites wherever you go, and frankly it just isn't worth the effort to muzzle them, much less argue with them.

The free speech policy does have its drawbacks, but in the end, I still think it's better than having the equivalent of a police-state on the server.

Haha! He is one of the Legion Lost;
He was never meant to win.
He's a rolling stone, and it's bred in the bone,
He's a man who won't fit in.

Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:11 am
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FYI - time and a demographic shift have absolutely nothing to do with how players on an all 2fort server go about their business. Even back in TFC's heyday when I had an all 2fort server running, it was full of LAME. If anything, it's a better now - the server's actually somewhat manageable. The only difference between now and back then is that most of the serious players have moved on to other games so you're really not going to get a server full of modest, helpful, seasoned veterans. You're only going to get the players that stuck around to rage or people that came in during the end of TFC's lifespan and only understand the culture of lame.

Regarding TPF though - I don't have any respect for TPF players. (Sorry Wiggly). I've been around since before TPF and if anything, was able to witness the rise of this disgusting pretentious environment for TFC which I absolutely despise. TPF players were the first to whine about:

1.) Chasing
2.) Offensive medics
3.) Class restrictions to balance out servers

...they creating some artificial TFC world with their own weird rule set. Any deviation from these rules usually resulted in endless taunting or removal from their servers.

I remember a day before TPF and without the bullets-wrapping-around-a-corner-so-that-whiny-HPBs-can-stand-a-chance netcode. I also remember being able to resupply in the enemy respawn (well) so that spies had a chance. When HWGuys had a full set of MIRVs. Now THAT was TFC.

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Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:51 am
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I still think *some* sort of map rotation would alleviate the mind-numbing boredom that All2Fort causes, and maybe make it so people would stop making up their own games to entertain themselves and actually play. Surely we could shrink the server size to 24 to make that viable on the CPU.

I realize we switched to this lack of rotation due to the server population drop, but there's just no where else to go now (there are other servers, but they are always empty). I also still feel we're basically maintaining a llama farm/training camp, leaving the server as t is.

I've not had a pleasant game of TFC on the Jigglypuff server in years. The only decent TFC games I've managed to have were on other servers - but it's extremely rare to find said.

...and hopping straight from the non-All2Fort community of 2 years ago, into this one, wow, that must be quite a shock. I pitty this guy. I suppose I should count myself lucky for being witness to the slow decent - but it certainly started when we switched to the single map config. The people in there seem just bored with nothing else to do but to try to agitate one another.

Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:24 pm
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The name calling and general lameness dosent bother me at all, they can call me whatever names they want and be the biggest asses they can possibly be, it dosent matter to ME personally. What bothers me is the "regulars" that trash talk to new people and chase them off one of the only servers left that actually has people on it.

It would be nice to see some admins around to deal with some of the e-tards is all I'm saying. I think in the past 3 weeks I've seen like 2 admins on at any given time that I've been on. And I dont even remember their names, therefore I dont even know who the admins are. I have since checked out you're list on the website.. lastnight after I wrote this post. I still dont remember who exactly I've seen. :wink:

TPF was just an example, I agree about their whining too. I've never been a part of TPF in any way, but I do know some of their philosophy because some of my ex-teammates were TPF. I can appriciate what they tried to do is all.

A more visible admin presence would be nice. I understand that life gets in the way for some people and they cant spend time on the server like they used to. For me, usually the only time I have to play anymore is late at night, we've had a baby and with work and stuff I just dont have time to play like I once had. Maybe a couple of new admins are in order? I dont know. It's your server, you can run it the way you like, I'm not trying to tell you how to run it. Just making a suggestion...

As for the free speach thing, I'm all for it, I agree with Iron.

The free speech policy does have its drawbacks, but in the end, I still think it's better than having the equivalent of a police-state on the server.

On another note..
The server is running much better since the move, congrats. :D

Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:41 pm
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Saint Thoth wrote:
I still think *some* sort of map rotation would alleviate the mind-numbing boredom that All2Fort causes, and maybe make it so people would stop making up their own games to entertain themselves and actually play.

Well said Thoth, atleast 1 other map would be nice, I agree. Howerver, I'll live with it either way. :D

Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:49 pm
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Wait, are we supposed to know who you are?

On the count of three, everyone eject Oldro. 1......2.........

Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:52 pm
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ScoutsOA wrote:
Wait, are we supposed to know who you are?
I dont understand that comment or what constructive purpose it has? But back to the discussion at hand. Hitting on what Toth said about people being bored and feeling they need to fill their time on the server insulting people. I play some what frequently and I see people "two in mind" among others join Jigglys when the server is full non the less and treat it like a chat room. That I dont understand, People who join a sever in a peak period and want to sit there insult people and just generally chat deserve to be kicked and if they repeat this they should be banned. Dont get me wrong if the server is not full or busy and people want to shoot the shit...go for it. But when the 30 player max is reached and some decent or person who wants to actually play cant because the above stated then that sucks. I dont care about the trash talking if that gets ya off then go right ahead, becase your the only one listening. As for another map maybe one more would be nice something like turkeyburgers or a mainstream. Also the server kicks for inactivity does the above not apply? especially when full?
Anywas thats my buck and a half

Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:04 pm

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Scout your such a downer. Bat you can only list two? Hell I can make a list probably 3 times as long. I of course never got into the trash talking thing.... :lol:

Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:47 pm
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It is true I kick people from the NS server for that sort of thing - but the majority of the people there are, generally, actually trying to play the game, while on the TFC server, it's quite the opposite. (Even our biggest NS goof-offs, say OA and Yogurt [naming names] play most of the time.) Unlike NS, two or three players using the server as a chat room is hardly noticed in our TFC room, and it's not uncommon for it to be ten or more, in my experience.

It's partly the age of the mod though. It’s a phenomenon that happens to most all games over time: most of the sane people move on, and most of what you have left are handfuls of l337 assholes, and nubs with old hardware that can't play anything else. (If you want to see real horror: go download a copy of Tribes for free and go play on a random populated server.) Seems every game eventually becomes more about showing off your knowledge of exploits, goofing around, and name-calling than about the game itself. I've already seen the same signs of decay in NS, and it's only a matter of time until it's reduced to the same state.

Not that I won't fight it until the bitter end - but I more or less threw in the towel on the fight for the TFC server long ago. I suppose I can hold out on the NS server until it becomes "Jiggly's AllMachina" ;)

Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:55 pm
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Saint Thoth wrote:
... and Yogurt [naming names] play most of the time.)...

It's true. The outdoors are just so nice :)

Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:32 pm
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fixxor wrote:
Scout your such a downer. Bat you can only list two? Hell I can make a list probably 3 times as long. I of course never got into the trash talking thing.... :lol:
I know I know , but I dont want to send anyone into cardiac arrest :P . You also would have to think about bandwidth You dont want people downloading custom maps from server, that could really kill it( both server and llamas
). So main stream map.bsp would be in order. Rock2 2fort 2fort 2fort rock2 2fort 2fort 2fort

Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:34 pm
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batcula wrote:
ScoutsOA wrote:
Wait, are we supposed to know who you are?
I dont understand that comment or what constructive purpose it has?

It didn't serve any purpose at all. You say people stop the shit talking when you changed your name to "batcula". But I have no clue who you are, or why I would care. Are you just such a badass old school player that I would have to know you or else I am a nubcake?

On the count of three, everyone eject Oldro. 1......2.........

Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:31 pm
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