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Anime Most Wanted: The Return
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Author:  TheDoc [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I honestly don't understand how you guys watch that show. As shameless of a shonen/seinen as soul eater is, it's still worlds ahead of naruto. BELIEVE IT!

Author:  That Annoying Kid [ Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anyone watched Claymore

started around ep 10, now on ep 20

Author:  TheDoc [ Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, it was ok. It picked up more towards the end, but I still seem to remember it being sort of anticlimactic. At least its short. If you missed the first 10 episodes you're probably past the worst of it.

Author:  Saint Thoth [ Tue Jan 18, 2011 2:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Go back and watch 5-8, that's where the series really started separating itself from the usual CWKA format, and there's some critical background there.

It's a pretty good series, dunno if another season is in the works or not, though it may have more or less reached its limit by the end of the current set.
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Author:  Spyder [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have it, it's not bad at all. Except for that one kid.

Author:  TheDoc [ Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Spyder wrote:
I have it, it's not bad at all. Except for that one kid.

that one kid being, the main male protagonist?

Author:  Saint Thoth [ Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

More of a sidekick / pet, really. He gets left out of the majority of the episodes. But yeah, when I watched the first few episodes, that kid, and the painfully cliché plot and characters had me ready to switch it off. Luckily, I skipped ahead and caught the whole Teresa of the Faint Smile / Claire / Demogorgon origin story thing, and got a pretty descent ride out of the rest, even if it was a somewhat guilty pleasure.

Just finished Requiem for Phantom recently. Similar story, kinda, but sans supernatural, and much easier to watch with quasi-significant other in tow.
"That girl taught me how to cry." - Teresa

Author:  Saint Thoth [ Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ain't posted here in ages... But...

"Selling off tomorrow to pay for an ever worsening today."

This is not the best anime, but it certainly isn't bad. It's particularly interesting, however, as a modern social commentary, being clearly spawned from the events surrounding the modern financial crisis.

The action centers around individuals who are forced to participate in a sort of demonic stock market, investing their "future" as collateral. As the most powerful men and women in the world are forced to join in, the effects on the world at large become more and more severe. A group of individals bans together to mitigate this effect of "Midas money" on the real world - but at what cost - and what is their true motivation?

It manages to avoid the whole "corporations/banks are evil cliché" fairly well, so it might keep one's interest, regardless of political persuasion.

It does involve a few pokémon battles, which, as per usual, are won more by sheer willpower than anything else - but they are short (and purty). Gets a little sureal at one point or another, but not too much so (at least not by anime standards), even if the conclusion is a tad disturbing on some levels. It's kept crisp and clean, at only eleven episodes, so it's good for a quickie.

C - on Hulu:
"Money has no value; it's only paper. What's valuable, is confidence: Confidence in currency, and the confidence it can buy." - The Informant, C

Author:  That Annoying Kid [ Sat Oct 08, 2011 11:33 pm ]
Post subject: 


you pique my curiosity

Author:  Spyder [ Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anime Most Wanted: The Return

Recently watched Angel Beats via Netflix, and it was pretty amusing, with one of the funniest scenes I've seen in anime in recent memory (classroom distractions scene, for those that have seen it)

It also has Thothy's prerequisite Glitter-to-tears ratio, so I think he's probably like it.

Felt like you should know.

Author:  Saint Thoth [ Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anime Most Wanted: The Return

I shall endeavor to examine it... Seems the first two episodes are on hulu at least... At first glance, it may break my cuteness threshold, but on the other hand, Lady X doesn't seem to have one.

Then again, I did watch Clannad, and Tale of Memories, and Tale of Melodies... Oh, and Toradora!, in some sort of endless soap-opera run. I may have hit my limit though, as I can't really get into Clannad-Afterstory, though I'm sure I'll be forced to, once it is learned that I have it...

Tale of Melodies did have that Rape Scene, however... There's no actual rape in said scene - it's SFW - but... Gawds... That was just fucking harsh! Like being virtually assaulted (full version goes on a LOT longer). >< They had one or two other illustration of traumatic emotion scenes like that, nearly as striking...

I've been watching Future Diary... Which is yet another magic-cell phone anime, though quite a bit darker than Eden of the East (which is also good - probably better, actually). I kinda wonder if there's a name for this genre of anime... Where, some poor bloke has some super power dropped on him, with a very odd set of restrictive rules, and everything goes straight to hell. I suppose Death Note and Code Geass might fall into the same category, though they never caught my interest as much as the two I just linked. Still, wondering if the right search term could grab me more...
"Because she learned about happiness, she feels lonely for the first time. And because she knows unhappiness, she understands happiness for the first time." - ef-Tale of Memories

Author:  That Annoying Kid [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anime Most Wanted: The Return

Eden of the east was okay, yeah the powers dropped upon you via a cellphone genre

I need to wrap up burst angel

also Thothies you suck for watching anime dubbed on hulu ^__~

Hmm Guilty crown or Last Exile: Fam, the silver whatever were recommendations off Eden of east / Future Diary (which looked rather EoE ish)
Have you heard anything?

Author:  Saint Thoth [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anime Most Wanted: The Return

I saw the first episode of Guilty Crown, and saw that it was going almost exactly in the direction of Code Gease, and shut it off... Pretty though.

I did love the original Last Exile series: eye candy galore, extraordinarily rich world, wonderful premise - though not particularly deep. I've only seen part of the first episode of the new one, and it seemed to be going down some fan-service/pedophile fantasy route, but it maybe I just haven't given it a proper chance.

Future Diary has a very EoE'ish premise, but it lacks the political fantasy of having billions of dollars to save your nation by whatever means, and focuses instead on individual terror - which I suspect is its shortcoming, compared to the more real-world-relevant Eden series. Still, I have watched the first nine episodes, and will probably finish it.

In Hulu's defense, most of what they have is indeed subtitled, rather than dubbed - and I can only link legal sources here. Hulu and Netflix are pretty much my only sources for verifiably legal streaming - and only Hulu is free.
"The injury we do and the ones we suffer are not weighed in the same scale." - Aesop

Author:  That Annoying Kid [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anime Most Wanted: The Return

I know I know Thothies, I just yank your chain

or pull your ankh or whatever

Besides, it's not like I wasn't just watching subbed anime on Hulu

Is Code Gease worth peeping? Also yeah the powers are pretty in Guilty crown, so much so that I didn't dismiss the series and watched a bit more...

Author:  Saint Thoth [ Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anime Most Wanted: The Return

Ehhh... If you like Death Note, and robots, Code Gease is probably the way to go... I watched it up until the end of the first season, where they pulled one of those Rod Serling'eque badly-worded-wish bits that'd have him spinning in his grave... Much like Death Note's Kira, Lelouch is a dick who's gone mad with power and is trying to rape the world a new asshole to satisfy his own ego - though, in this case, also to get revenge. As such, ever so sadly, I expect it to end in similar fashion - though, unlike Kira, he'll probably take an equally corrupt establishment down with him. *Maybe* he'll grow up and be saved, but I doubt it.

Same theme of absolutely ridiculous series of counter-counter-counter-counter-plans, that nothing short of divine intervention would allow to work out though.
"I'll take a potato chip, and eat it! Muahahhaa!" - Kira, Death Note

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