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Killing Floor: Before you buy... don't.
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Author:  TheDoc [ Sun May 17, 2009 7:14 am ]
Post subject:  Killing Floor: Before you buy... don't.

So like an idiot, I listened to my friend tell me how great killing floor is and bought it on his recommendation. The game's a peice of trash and deffinately not worth 20$. Apparently it was a free mod for UT2k4 released back in 2005, repackaged and resold in one of the most blatant examples of underhanded valve business practice I've seen to date.

How does it play you ask? it plays like L4D survival mode and counter strike mixed into one awful game. You fend off a wave, then you need to run to a store to buy upgrades and ammo, then you fend off another wave. The amount of money you make is directly proportional to the amount of zombies you kill.

There's also a horrible mechanic that blurs your vision every time you get hit.

There are some creepy moments in the game, mainly when you get left behind by the group and you get swarmed on all sides by zombies in the darkness, but they aren't frequent enough to make the game fun.

There are perks you can level up which give you bonuses to certain weapons, but they're not very special, and they don't seem to make that big of a difference, maybe they do at higher levels.

If you're thinking about buying it, my advice is don't, but if you're still unconvinced, download it for free for UT2k4 if you can still find it. Try it there before you drop 20$ on it.

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