The Jigglyroom Forums

I just want to say thanks..
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Author:  bullgod [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  I just want to say thanks..

I want to thank you all for you patience and help with this website stuff, it means alot to me.

Basically I cant do the construction stuff I've been doing my whole life so far, and am hoping this computer store is going to be my new "career". We've had an e-bay store since 00' and are looking to step it up. So basically I'm unemployed at the moment. We're putting everything into this and trying to make it work. Thats why I'm looking at the template stuff and any help I can get from friends.

Once this gets rolling, we're going to go the professional route and have it all reworked. At the moment, I'm trying to make the prettiest/flashy/pro looking site that we can come up with because of the products we have access to and are selling. Nobody is going to buy a $5k machine from a $10 website, or atleast I wouldnt..

Luckily I have some friends like C4k3 (the graphic artist guy) that are willing to help out as they can. And I'm also taking baby steps and learning how to do all this web stuff myself, I'm learning as I go along.

I used to have game servers and some forums and website for TFC when I was doing that, but the knowledge I have from that is limited, that was some 3-4 years ago. As far as creating webpages and all that, it's all pretty much new to me now, but I'm sure we'll get something working for us soon.

So I totally appriciate all the help/advise/input I'm getting from everyone. There are some pretty cool & knowledgeable people in our little community. Lets face it, our customers ARE our little community and it's nice to know what everyone wants & likes.

I really do appriciate everyones help. Thanks to you all! <3

Author:  That Annoying Kid [ Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Best of luck

good to see you making a transition from physical to mental labour

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