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Banned last nite Sat 6/30 
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Attention Whore! Look at meeeeeeeeee!
Attention Whore! Look at meeeeeeeeee!
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Hi here are the info.

Banned somewhere between 11pm saturday nite, and 3am sunday morning. Wasnt given a reason or notice.

Steam ID: 6477332

Im usually a no nonsense guy on the server who focuses too hard to kill the opponent and have no time for trouble making. But once in a while I do get in a verbal spat if someone does something wrong like snipers taking grenades, I get shot by teammate, etc etc. I have been playing on this server for 3+ years now and havent had any trouble.

I did get in a verbal confrontation last nite with Bella ;]. In exchange for her being racist and making fun of asians and blacks, calling asians gooks with small genitals, I called her ugly... :/ . I also called her out for lying. She previously said she had dual degrees, and making all this money and that she was 21. Someone told me that she was 20 and hadn't finished school. Anyways, getting back to the point. Im not sure why im specifically banned, if its perma ban is like to ask to get it reduced. And if im not permabanned, if someone can tell me the reason and duration, i would appreciate it.


Hi, I play soldier, sniper, engy, medic, pyro

Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:15 am
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Well, I got three IM's for that ID when I got home, and this did not make me happy (none of which were from Bella - who I admit is a bit "sensitive" and thus normally take reports from said source with a grain of salt). But unless I find some evidence that Bella is starting some sort of anti-asian conspiracy with her friends (which, I admit, is actually entirely possible on this server these days *sigh*), you'll have to wait a week to play again I'm afraid.
"Folly, depravity, greed, mortal sin
Invade our souls and rack our flesh; we feed
Our gentle guilt, gracious regrets, that breed
Like vermin glutting on foul beggars' skin." - Les Fleurs du mal


Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:42 am
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Attention Whore! Look at meeeeeeeeee!
Attention Whore! Look at meeeeeeeeee!
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Saint Thoth wrote:
Well, I got three IM's for that ID when I got home, and this did not make me happy (none of which were from Bella). Unless Bella is starting some sort of anti-asian conspiracy with her friends (which, I admit, is actually entirely possible on this server these days *sigh*), you'll have to wait a week to play again I'm afraid.
"Folly, depravity, greed, mortal sin
Invade our souls and rack our flesh; we feed
Our gentle guilt, gracious regrets, that breed
Like vermin glutting on foul beggars' skin." - Les Fleurs du mal


I applogize Saint Thoth, didnt know. I would delete those posts on that thread but i dont know how.

okay, ill just be patient and wait it out. I guess ill record demo when I see her talking racist again. But if you have some time, could you find out what those complains are about? and from who? Id like to be more on guard when I play with those people again. I didnt know there was a forum for this server till today, so Im guessing its my word vs theirs, the regulars have more "credibility"

Hi, I play soldier, sniper, engy, medic, pyro

Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:47 am
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She's no more a regular than you are, if you've been around three years, but she's certainly vocal, although that sometimes works against some people...

Granted, if you've been on the 2Fort server that long you should know that the All 2Fort server is FULL of very offensive language. Everytime I'm in there it almost always seems more about sh*t talking than playing. We're strongly free speech, even when it comes to racism, even if we don't like the cesspool that server has become - so long as you can still mute/ignore text & play.

We don't have anything against Asians though. God knows I've dated enough of em... And the owner is one (mostly)... But I've not dated him. He'd shoot me down. ;)
"Damn, I forgot asianzes could do that." - Adam Corolla

Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:54 am
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Attention Whore! Look at meeeeeeeeee!
Attention Whore! Look at meeeeeeeeee!
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Its cool. Im more upset about her lying than her calling me a gook. **Read below if you dont mind me exposing her.**

I havent quite figured her out yet, shes full of inconsistencies. Shes from NY where there are full of guidos, and an area where image is everything. She also brags about her looks, so Im guessing she considers looks a big deal. So i give her my link and she freaks out. She calls me a metrosexual asian on steroids lol, even though the picture clearly says "protein". She gets upset that im a non small asian, so she talks about my genitals lol.... And how bad of a place california is because there are so many asians. (NY doesnt have asians? lol)

The night before, she asked me what my major was, I told her it was chemical engineering. I dont know how the argument started, but she starts dissing me for taking that major. Im like wtf... what do you do? She told me she dual majored in poly sci and economics. She ask me how much I get paid, I told her. Then she was like, well how much did you get paid when you were 21, I said, I didn't make much when I was 21, I was still in school. Shes like, well when I was 21, I made 54k a year. Im like thats great, so you finished school a year early, congrats. So today, people in the server told me shes only 20. I'm like, so you make 54k when you were 21, but yet you are 20, how is this so? Shes like ... well well um.. I'm close enough to 21. Considering how she was 20, there was no way she finished college either, especially 2 majors. So here is were the racism starts. She gets mad I call her out for lying..... -_-;

Anyways, thats the scoop, hope everyone had fun reading.

Saint Thoth, you are a pretty cool guy. Good sense of humor too. You going to school right now? Man, save the asian girls for the rest of the asian guys lol.

Hi, I play soldier, sniper, engy, medic, pyro

Sun Jul 01, 2007 3:17 am

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I love asians. All i know is i had to break down and leave the server from all the crying....

Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:27 am
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**Read below if you dont mind me exposing her.**

No offense buds, but TMI. If you start bringing your personal life online and parading it in front of complete strangers, you are only asking for trouble. Guaranteed someone will start taking shots at you.

Haha! He is one of the Legion Lost;
He was never meant to win.
He's a rolling stone, and it's bred in the bone,
He's a man who won't fit in.

Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:19 am

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I hope you don't mind if i speak upon myself, since everyone else seems to be doing it. What i would love to know is why you are so obsessed with my life and what i do? your main concern on the server last night was what i am doing/what i did with my life. Examples are as followed: how much money i made, what my BOYFRIEND was majoring in, how much i weighed, if i "penciled" in my eyebrows (no, i'm not Spanish), what i was majoring in, what i did for a living, and how much money i made. Quite frankly, none of the above is ANY of your, or any other TFC players concern, for that matter. I was trying to play a game (look me up, i was playing eng and owning asses with emps :) ), and all you did was run around the spawn collecting health & ammo (As if it did you any good). I come on TFC to kill noobs, talk shit because it's a free speech server (not sure how Asia works will that free speech thing, but in America we have the first amendment), and i also come on TFC to bullshit with my TFC buddies whom i've known for years. I'm not one to talk shit to someone who doesn't start with me, usually i'm on the mic laughing or being a girl.. but if you start with me (which you did) i'm not going to bite my tounge. Most of the time last night i made up bullshit stories in order to go along with your nonsence. If you're so obsessed with my life, do me a favor and keep it to yourself, because anyone who hates me is just giving me more attention.

so in the wise words of fixxor: kthnx hf make babies

Bella Out.

edit/ i don't remember once saying anything about graduating college, kind of impossible when you're 20 years old and only a junior. I did however say what i was majoring in (since you seem to be the ONLY person on TFC in college i guess?) But correct me if i'm wrong?

VTB Dark Willow


Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:17 am

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Saint Thoth wrote:
She's no more a regular than you are, if you've been around three years, but she's certainly vocal, although that sometimes works against some people...

Granted, if you've been on the 2Fort server that long you should know that the All 2Fort server is FULL of very offensive language. Everytime I'm in there it almost always seems more about sh*t talking than playing. We're strongly free speech, even when it comes to racism, even if we don't like the cesspool that server has become - so long as you can still mute/ignore text & play.

We don't have anything against Asians though. God knows I've dated enough of em... And the owner is one (mostly)... But I've not dated him. He'd shoot me down. ;)
"Damn, I forgot asianzes could do that." - Adam Corolla

thoth you give in to brown nosers way too easily :roll:

VTB Dark Willow


Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:27 am

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This guy is a big-time stalker. My trash talking must've hit a sore spot with him because he didn't hesitate to seek me out on YouTube. He takes the internet too seriously....what goes on TFC stays in TFC. Quit being a raincoater searching for my vids. Thank you.

Last edited by Chuck Bronson on Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:27 am

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yeah, he also had the nerve to find me on myspace, and message me saying

and i quote.

Date: Jul 1, 2007 10:24 AM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
Subject: you are seriously an ugly dumb bitch
Body: I hope you die for lying and making up shit.

lawl. i feel so bad :(

VTB Dark Willow


Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:28 am
Attention Whore! Look at meeeeeeeeee!
Attention Whore! Look at meeeeeeeeee!
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Chuck Bronson wrote:
This guy is a big-time stalker. My trash talking must've hit a sore spot with him because he didn't hesitate to seek me out on YouTube. He takes the internet too seriously....what goes on TFC stays in TFC. Quit being a raincoater searching for my vids. Thank you.

i found you searching tfc videos on conc jumping months ago actually. Im like is this the chuck from jigglypuffs? Strong intelligence in your youtube vids.

missbella wrote:
yeah, he also had the nerve to find me on myspace, and message me saying

Someone else posted your link during the game. Its nice to see you changed your picture, hurt from peoples comments about you last night?

missbella wrote:
lawl. i feel so bad Sad

I feel sad that you are a racist and a chronic liar. GJ about lying about your career, and oh yeah, I was "pipe lagging" and "flag holding". Thats Reeaaal possible when im a soldier/sniper who never touched a flag.

Hi, I play soldier, sniper, engy, medic, pyro

Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:54 am
Attention Whore! Look at meeeeeeeeee!
Attention Whore! Look at meeeeeeeeee!
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missbella wrote:
I hope you don't mind if i speak upon myself, since everyone else seems to be doing it. What i would love to know is why you are so obsessed with my life and what i do? your main concern on the server last night was what i am doing/what i did with my life. Examples are as followed: how much money i made, what my BOYFRIEND was majoring in, how much i weighed, if i "penciled" in my eyebrows (no, i'm not Spanish), what i was majoring in, what i did for a living, and how much money i made. Quite frankly, none of the above is ANY of your, or any other TFC players concern, for that matter. I was trying to play a game (look me up, i was playing eng and owning asses with emps :) ), and all you did was run around the spawn collecting health & ammo (As if it did you any good). I come on TFC to kill noobs, talk shit because it's a free speech server (not sure how Asia works will that free speech thing, but in America we have the first amendment), and i also come on TFC to bullshit with my TFC buddies whom i've known for years. I'm not one to talk shit to someone who doesn't start with me, usually i'm on the mic laughing or being a girl.. but if you start with me (which you did) i'm not going to bite my tounge. Most of the time last night i made up bullshit stories in order to go along with your nonsence. If you're so obsessed with my life, do me a favor and keep it to yourself, because anyone who hates me is just giving me more attention.

so in the wise words of fixxor: kthnx hf make babies

Bella Out.

edit/ i don't remember once saying anything about graduating college, kind of impossible when you're 20 years old and only a junior. I did however say what i was majoring in (since you seem to be the ONLY person on TFC in college i guess?) But correct me if i'm wrong?

"In america blah blah blah" Um.. last time I checked, I took 8th grade US history 10+ years ago. I love your racism implied condescending remarks.

Btw, when you started being racist is when I started poking at your looks. "Asians only run restaurants" Thats you word for word. Well of course Im going to defend my self and other asians who play on the server. Chemical engineering isnt the hardest thing to get a degree in, but for a girl to lie about having gone to college, and then making a stereotypical remark about asians only can run restaurants, thats pretty low.

Thats fine that you are free speeching, but lying to get me banned? I was never pipe lagging or flag holding. I dont even know what pipe lagging is, or even played demoman when I was gaming last night.

You claim that the server is free speech. So if I didnt get banned for pipe lagging, or flag holding, what did I get banned for? Calling you a racist? But thats free speech like you claimed.

Hi, I play soldier, sniper, engy, medic, pyro

Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:06 pm
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Locking the thread because the only thing that is going to come out of this is an escalated flame war.

Seriously, who cares what random, anonymous people on the internet say about you. Thin skin, sheesh.

I mean c'mon - I'm pimply 13 year old that watches Pokemon, lives in my mom's basement, and has never left the confines of my small, rural town. My hobby is playing TFC and NS all day, every day with an occasional Magic the Gathering break... so I'm an authority on this subject.

Anyways, just remember that people that need to get "the last word in" oftentimes are the ones with emotional insecurities. Grow up, get a life, and stuff like this becomes laughable.


Edit: I'll look into the reason for the ban.

Don't forget to catch Pokemon weekdays at 4pm only on the WB & 9pm on the Cartoon Network! BE THERE!!!

Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:15 pm
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